Miranda Crampton, The Power of Labels


Miranda Crampton, 25

Disabled, mentally ill, victim.

Multiperspective, advocate, survivor.

You must be wondering why you’re reading these words, or be confused as to what they all have in common huh? Well allow me to clear up the confusion; my name is Miranda, I am a 25 year old female PWD (person with disabilities) & those words well, they’re me. They’re also not me. Before I get ahead of myself, allow me to give you some back story on my journey, how I ended up on your screen today, & how I came to have the amazing experience of working with the fabulous Anna Soriano.

Grief Stricken, unstable, insecure, weak.

Spiritual, adaptive, intuitive, resilient.

For most people my age, their life’s major traumas, & downfalls have not happened to them yet. For most children, & young adults they live the years where we grow, where fundamental development takes place, cloaked in the loving shroud of our families or guardians. Where we are kept safe from the cruel realities of the world, aware they exist but kept out of harms way. However for me, & many other brave souls like me this is not our reality.

When I was 8 years old my father passed away suddenly, this was the first death in a cycle unbroken to this day; 1 significant loss per year for 17 years including young friends & family alike. I have lost people/beloved fur children to sudden illness like in my fathers case pneumonia, unexplainable passing, medical negligence, various types of both slow drawn out & rapidly developed cancer, suicide, drug over dose, heart attack, stroke, and old age. I know, I know the first words probably coming to your mind are something along the lines of poor thing, but those aren’t the kinds of responses I want my words here today to invoke.


My father suffered a shoulder injury

which left him extremely addicted to prescription pain killers. If you’ve had any experience surrounding addiction, you already understand how much it changes people. This was the case for my father; although I unfortunately was not given a fighting chance to know who he was before the pills, I trust that the man who my mom initially gave her heart to was good. I can’t tell you exactly what age I was when the physical abuse for her started, but I know I was 7 years old when things passed the point of return between my father & I. The emotional abuse towards her & myself had been present from my earliest memory, things I know now as an adult that should be said or done to no child. My mom is one of the strong ones, she tried & tried. Gave chance after chance, & when things had gone too far for too long she had the strength to get herself & her children out of that situation, while still allowing reasonable visitation. Although children don’t always understand, they still observe, & from a young age I understood that I always felt unsafe, alone, & misunderstood. These feelings with time, became facts to me as my fathers distaste towards me grew out of resentment for my mother. I want to say roughly 9 months prior to his death, after an abusive incident I was unwilling to speak with or see him for 2 months. After time to myself, & an apology from him I did resume visitation with him however I refused to be there without my brother as things weren’t bad if he was present. I want to say I only saw him up to 6 times from then to his death, the last time being right before my 8th birthday. His death coming before I had a chance to grow up left me imprinted with the notion that I am unlovable, which is simply not true. This is also the start of where my nervous systems damage began. This is where my counselling journey began, & my mental health journey began.


Attention seeker, negative, dramatic. Vulnerable, honest, raw.

Fast forward to 2018 I was 19 years old, & on top of my childhood, had endured years of school bullying, an extremely unhealthy relationship with food, & severe mental health struggles which had left me extremely cold, guarded, & isolated. This isolation & desperate desire to be loved caused me to find myself stuck in a very unhealthy, & abusive relationship; repeating what I grew up witnessing. Shortly after the start of this relationship I started to develop physical illnesses, & damage causing me to go on medical EI. It took years in the long run, seeing multiple specialists, counsellors, pain clinics, you name it to get answers & diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Interstitial cystitis & pelvic floor dysfunction, being this was a life long condition/diagnosis with limited treatment & research available at the time, I was to begin expensive medications, & triggering food restrictive diets to reduce symptoms. But no extensive treatment plan, or the knowledge and language needed to explain what was going on with me to others. After almost 3 years of a lack of self worth due to the abuse I was enduring, my health diagnosis, having to put all major life goals on hold, having lost the ability to do simple tasks that are normal to others, and having a compromised self esteem; that relationship finally came to an end.


Shortly after this, the amazing blessing we know & love as Anna showed up in my life.

Anna shot work portraits for my mom, during that time they chatted about me, & Anna wanted to see a picture. Anna then told my mom she needed to shoot me, & impact me through her work. I was shocked & confused, I didn’t reach out at first, I didn’t understand what this insanely talented, & established women saw in me. But with shaky hands & anxiety in my chest I reached out.

During our first session despite my slight unwillingness to open up, she forced my eyes wide open to see what she sees through the power of her photography. That day forever left me with a different view of myself. Things got better for a while too! Until they didn’t & I ended up on medical EI again then disability, worse off physically than I had ever been, having developed fibromyalgia along the way. I feel partial cause of this was my physical form not being able to keep up with the fire that was ignited in my soul; leaving me feeling helpless, powerless, burnt out, and defeated. My new found power & confidence gone.


This second round of EI,

regardless of the devastation it caused me at the time was the best thing that could’ve happened to me. It was during this round of medical EI that I was forced to accept the hard reality that my physical vessel is disabled whether my spiritual one is or not. With this I also found the acceptance in the fact that that is okay. During this second round of Medical leave I truly found myself again, & took charge of my health. I found the artistic side I’ve always possessed but thought I had lost, and began making jewelry like I did as a child. This developed into me even starting my own hobby business! If you told that girl from 2018 I would ever put myself out there like that she’d tell you, that you were a liar. I took the time to grieve the life that my life long disability has taken away from me, and when this grieving was done I reached back out to Anna.

‘Blowing out someone else’s flame will never make yours shine any brighter, but if we bring all of our flames together we will create a light bright enough to change the world.
— Miranda C.

Which brings us all the way to today, June 2023.

Anna welcomed me back into her studio with open arms, & an open heart ready to hear as much as I was willing to tell her. She stopped me right away, she told me that I am not disabled, or sick, that that is not who Miranda is at the soul. That that negativity would not lead to my break through. At this moment I knew how much we truly had to learn from each other on a spiritual level, & how ready I truly was for our work together. I told her that I disagree with her, that I don’t think words like disabled, anxiety, addict etc are bad words. I think that our society has put a negative cloak on those words, but to every negative there is a positive. So what if we turn that cloak inside out? What is the positive on the other side of the word?

Labels should have never been used to divide, or to separate. Labels should be used as a tool for communication, understanding, and empathy.
— Miranda

When the world hears disabled, they focus on the disadvantage, the failure to fit into an ableist culture.

I hear someone who is highly diverse,who has the ability to see multiple perspectives of life, perspectives most will never understand enough to fully empathize with. When the world hears mentally ill they hear, weak or crazy, I hear intuitive & inspiring.

Are the words from the start of this lengthily entry beginning to make more sense?

I firmly believe that when we are met with the cruel realty that is life, no matter age, we have the choice to allowed it to make us cold, or kind. I see the positive on the negative labels, because I choose kind. I come from a family littered with generational trauma on both ends, meaning this is a choice I have to make every day; but I know it is my souls purpose to break this cycle, & do my part to change the views within the world.


So how do I answer Anna’s question? Who is Miranda?

Miranda is resilient, a true survivor, a warrior. Miranda is spiritual, powerful, receptive, and kind. Miranda is incredibly intelligent, a friend, a daughter, a sister. Miranda is a mental health advocate, and a chronic illness activist. Miranda is compassionate, creative, empathetic, understanding. Miranda is honest, vulnerable, brave. Miranda is powerful, a leader, and a cycle breaker.

Most of all Miranda is me.

If there is one thing I leave you with it is that you are enough, you are loved, you are worthy. Life will be filled with many downs, but there will always be ups, & a label will never define the rest of your life. There are still hard days or weeks, but hard times doesn’t have to mean a less fortunate future. I hope in this world filled with so much cruelty, I have inspired you to always choose kindness; and see the positive on the other side.

With love & kindness, Mir ♡


Jenny Adams, Rooted Goddess



Four years ago, on Jan 18, 2019 I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Sadie who changed my life in a blink of an eye. Sadie was diagnosed with a rare brain disease that landed her on a palliative care program two weeks after she was born, she was given 2 years to live. I was absolutely heart broken, the life I had envisioned for my daughter, myself our family was gone. I was told she would never do much of anything in her short life, no ability to hear, see, sit, talk, eat, she would never smile, never say mom…… anything you imagine your kids doing. What was the point of all this. I was so angry. My mom said these words that changed everything, “Jenny she has a soul, a soul that can hear, see, talk, smile, and love, we will love on that part.”  I got smiles and so many profound life changing moments I will never forget in her short 18 months here earth side.


One of those life changing moments was the gift of mediumship and channelling she opened a part of me that laid dormant for a lifetime. I fully stepped into this gift I received with open arms, I allowed her to guide me to as many courses, people, places, awakenings before the grief knocked me down 6 months following her passing. I was no longer able to hold space for those around me let alone myself and knew I needed to make immediate changes in my life.


I was grief stricken, unhealthy (my cortisol was so off the charts I developed thrush), codependent, anxiety ridden, stuck in fight or flight, dissociated, butt smoking, 10 coffees a day to keep going was my life. The only “control” I felt I had in my life was food, restricting and binging when things got too much. This was a cycle that I have had for I don’t even know how long. Do I struggle with this today?, Yes to some extent, but now I know the reasons behind them are to feel other discomfort within my body and not allowing emotions to be digested.


I didn’t leave my house for a year. I jumped the F in with my healing. MIND, BODY, SOUL. I ate only unprocessed, whole foods, I quit smoking, I quit drinking, I surrendered, and when I thought I was done I surrender even more. I took making myself a priority, number 1. I choose me, every single time. I meditated, I journaled, I moved my body, I prayed, I forgave, I rubbed my beautiful self with oils. I jumped so hard into the divine mother and I gave myself what I had been craving from others for years but always fell flat. I gave myself love, I gave myself compassion, I gave myself my own roots to build my life upon. I was an entirely new person, I was that caterpillar, that turned butterfly, the phoenix rising, lotus from the mud. I shed so much I was a whole new person I almost didn’t recognize.

I have never imagined I could feel this empowered, this bold, this beautiful
— Jenny - Rooted Goddess

I joined a program for Women Entrepreneurs (Resilient Women in Business) after I opened my biz Rooted Goddess, where I guide and teach women like myself who have struggled for years with unworthiness, feelings of being unsupported plant the seeds for their next level of expansion through mind, body, soul practices. 


There I met this amazingly courageous, vibrant, powerful woman named Anna Soriano. You cannot hear this girl and not feel empowered, inspired and to not play small. In our group one morning we were discussing our bodies and I was talking about how I have learned to love on all my curves, my lumps and bumps. I was doing this by lighting candle in my bathroom playing mediation music and having a sacred practice of rubbing my beautiful body with warm oils. This inspired Anna to reach out after our session, GIRL I NEED TO SHOOT YOU! LET’S DO IT!!!!  I want you and all your curves. This beautiful human even gifted me this session, which included hair and makeup!!!! I did say yes immediately, obviously. I LOVE my body, I love how much we have gone through, she has taken every step with me. Was I really ready to show It to others?


Days leading up to the shoot I could feel myself and my old insecurities popping up, and on a facetime with Anna she caught some of them and walked me back of the ledge. All my flaws are what other people created; they are not true for me. (if you all don’t know Anna is not just a photographer she is an empowerment coach, channel, raising the vibes she’s the whole package). I showed up the day of our shoot with my bin of outfits some nerves, but filled with possibilities. I got my make up done, and my hair done too and they did the reveal! Who was this bad B&%ch in the mirror! I have never imagined I could feel this empowered, this bold, this beautiful. The way Anna pulled my higher self out that day has literally changed my life. I seen that version of myself, I knew she was there, I just didn’t know where to find her. If you thought I couldn’t love my body, myself, my life anymore well get yourself an Anna. She helped me plant the seeds for the next level of my expansion.

Much love,

Jenny – Rooted Goddess

Oh my Darlyne!

Darlyne wagner 66

Darlyne Wagner was going through an internal retrospective pondering of where to take her life next after challenges thrown her way one after the other over the last 4 decades. Sudden loss of her first born at 19 years of age, divorce, death, disconnection, pandemic and breast cancer during the pandemic but not one thing that can hold her down. She is resilient!


One day just awhile ago I told a friend that "I had felt my life had gone full circle" as I am back to being alone.

Most of my childhood I felt alone, no siblings, low self-esteem, few friends, controlling parents and was not told very often I was loved. I felt my dream to fix that was to get married, have a loving husband, hopefully kids and my loneliness would go away.  Well I achieved that at a very young age and was blessed with four beautiful children, who became my world.

But God threw a curveball when he blessed me with my first born being special needs, she changed my life.  People would tell me God only gives these kids to parents that can handle it.  I was one of those at age 23.

I knew she would be my forever love and I her caregiver for life.  A number of years later I was blessed with another daughter and two sons.  I was one happy lady.  My professional career choice was to be a mom.  What a rewarding career it was.


In summer of 1998 we made the move to the west coast from the prairies.  Shortly after settling in, my life crashed.  Early in 1999 my special needs daughter, (19 yrs young) suddenly passed away.  The death of a child hit hard, depression set in, loneliness again, no close family support and stress showed itself at high levels.  I'd ask myself "where do I go" as I was her primary caregiver.  So, after years of depression, I woke up one day and said "snap out of it Darlyne" telling myself I had more family to care for.  My husband had immersed himself in his career and eventually empty nest syndrome had arrived.  Sitting alone often I’d wonder about my purpose.  Then one day my world as I knew it changed dramatically, yet again!

Spring of 2017 my marriage fell apart, ending in divorce. A couple of years later on Dec 24, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, involving six rounds of chemo, major surgery, radiation, all while living through the Pandemic.  I am happy to share I'm in recovery.  Then in the spring of 2021 both my parents die only five days apart and very recently in the summer of 2022 my x husband father to my kids dies tragically in a vehicle accident.  Most of this took place while my only daughter chooses to distance herself from me.   Did I dramatically change! Now I feel I am really alone again and my life has gone "full circle"


Life is telling me it's time for Darlyne, its primarily me now.  I say to myself I deserve better things ahead.  Then one night Anna's "50 over 50" site showed up on my phone fed , I said "I need to do this"

I am hoping to have a new version of me, to make things better, return my self confidence, learn to accept the praise and start to dream of my new future.  This will be a challenge for me to be told by Anna your beautiful, to be pampered, photographed and search for my new inner self.

I was so excited after talking with Anna, hearing her encouraging words has helped lift my spirits, bring a smile to my face and put a spring in my step.  That's when I said its time for me to feel loved again.

Thanks, Anna, for helping me to restart, re find, rebuild my inner women again and start a new life circle, my experience with Anna was great!


The Face of Living & Thriving

Suzanne Saberniak 55

My name is Suzanne and I am a 55 year old warrior. I am grateful to be married to, and spending my days with my best friend and truest love-my husband, Bernie & our fur baby, Mackenzie.

2017....What started as my 50th around the sun, I called it, “The Year of Suzanne”. I was surrounded by family and friends as I began my year celebrating with special events each month. Feeling cherished, spoiled, joyful and invincible. I, like so many, was unprepared for the unexpected....I felt punched between the eyes....it stopped me in my tracks and everything I knew changed in an instant. It left me wondering , how do I move forward now?


Just a few months before my 50th birthday, something was off and I chalked it up to getting OLD. I had a few trips to emergency within a short span and on the 3rd visit , I was admitted to hospital and was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism. Next thing I knew, they were asking me what my wishes were?! 10 days later after many scans and a biopsy, they released me only to wait another 5-7 days to find out what the bigger problem was....LUNG CANCER - stage 4 - terminal and paliative.

What?! Who me?! How is this possible? I am not even a smoker and I am definitely way too young!


After receiving this news I became determined to kick cancer’s ass to the curb. I knew in my heart I had to stay positive in order to survive. I have been and outlier and have beaten the odds; the 4% chance they gave me. The cancer has continually popped up over the years, my spine, my pelvis, my brain, but I kept pushing back in order to stabilize it through the many different radiation sessions and even through a rod being put in my femur.

With the support of so many I have also had the means to access integrative naturopathic cancer care treatments that have been a huge part of a better quality of life and longevity. Through positivity and perseverance, I have had many times where I was able to participate in activities that I love. Being outdoors with my beloved pup for long walks, skiing and surfing when they told me I would not be able to ever do this again.

I have grown to have a greater appreciation for life. I realize that life is temporary for all of us and it is best to make the most of it and be for grateful for each day we are given. At first I felt guilty when people would compliment me on how good, healthy and strong I looked; I felt I should look like I was dying. I have chosen a more positive view and I am proud to be the face of what living and thriving can look like at the threshold of death.

I had a setback in the Spring of this year, 2022, when I was told my cancer was progressing and it made me realize how important my mindset is. There are always going to be days in all of our lives where it is more difficult to see the positive; but those are the most important times to see the silver linings, the joy, and to celebrate the people in our lives. My mindset has evolved to just believing that I can overcome anything that I am faced with. I believe in outting it out there to the Universe, in the greater good, in finding the positive and joy in everything. I will remain an outlier - determined, courageous, resilient, beautiful and strong.


5 years since my diagnosis with a 4% survival rate, everyday is living it like my last, and I seem to be just taking in an outpouring of one more day.

I am still alive and that is to be celebrated! I deserve this day and the next and the next,. I am grateful for the village that surrounds me, that is made up with the most cherished, phenomenal family members, friends and members of the community. I will awake each morning with purpose and a grateful heart; looking for the joy, love, and opportunity that each day offers me.

The Beautiful Women of Anna Soriano Studio's 50 over 50 Event

It is my hope that with the transformational experience , you will rediscover your potential, your purpose and your why. We are not flawed but a constant state of being. We are who we are and each moment is an opportunity to be the physical manifestation of the perfect Being we are made in the image and likeness of.

-Anna Soriano-


My narrative for most of my life, like most women, has been one with all of the traditional labels of daughter, sister, aunt, girlfriend, wife, mother and friend. But more than that, my life has been a journey of transformation. It has been about adapting, learning and transforming through all of the many roles, changes, stages and challenges of my life.

I am doing this photoshoot because it has always been something on my bucket list, to be pampered and to be a star for one day! This photoshoot is about me transforming into my next wonderful stage of life, always striving to be the best that I can be, with a jumpstart! Even at an age when a lot of women are made to feel invisible in a society that primarily values youth. I believe that woman at any age can be beautiful and make a difference.

This is Valerie 3.0. I want to be feeling strong, feeling good, taking care of myself and loving who I am right now! This is me paying myself back for all the credit I owe to me for making it this far!

With or without someone else, I want to wake up glad of every new day and doing things that make me feel happy and joyful. I want to continue to contribute and to support and help others whenever I can.

I don’t really know where this is headed or what the future holds for me but I am excited to this journey and find out. I feel I am finally recognizing me for all I am worth and much more than I thought.


Wendy Doell arrived in Vancouver in her twenties with stars in her eyes and hope in her heart. Determined to find her own way after leaving the prairies, Wendy’s journey took her from multiple office jobs to her most rewarding career --mother to four outstanding kids. While being a mom has multiple blessings, her head was always a bit in the clouds so it wasn’t a huge leap when she decided to try her hand at writing fiction.

Now, with eleven books in publication and her children grown, Wendy is eager to tackle this next stage of womanhood. This photo shoot was a great way to express a new and exciting chapter in her life.

Cloak and dagger mysteries are still her bread and butter, but traveling the world has her heart. Whether it’s traveling our scenic province in her camper van with her partner, Dave, or flying to a new far away destination, Wendy lives fornplanning her next get away. What’s next in life? Adventure awaits!


At 56 (almost) I am proud to say I look and feel better than I did 20 years ago.

My life has been a wild ride of new experiences, successes, failures and travel. I have been a military wife, a mother – twice, a divorcee and single mom, a high school biology teacher, a Literacy advocate, an ESL teacher, a makeup artist, an interior designer, an esthetician and anti- aging expert, a wife again, a charity volunteer and an entrepreneur. My life has been lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents and included 14 moves. I started my own business with SeneGence International 4 years ago because I wanted some magic lip colour that lasted all day, little did I know that would lead to so much more.

This 50 over 50 photo shoot experience was really a dream come true for me. Anna is an expert, just listen to her and everything will work out perfectly. You are worthy, you should capture this moment in time and revel in the beautiful images she will create for you. Do it, you won’t regret it, you deserve it!

This session came at the perfect time, my first published writing came out on March 8, 2021 as a coauthor in Pursuit 365 – a celebration of Canadian women. That leap of faith has had a snowball effect for me. My first cookbook will be released in the fall and I am excited to share my love of entertaining and hosting dinner parties to a new audience. And yes, Anna captured the perfect image for the book!

It is with excitement that I head down the road, who knows what new thing I will do next. All I know for sure is that I will be sporting a fabulous SeneGence lip colour, wearing a pair of amazing heels and drinking the good wine while eating off the good china! Slainte!


I was born and raised in Burnaby.  Second born of six kids.

Married 3 times, engaged once, widowed twice.

I  Mom to two fantastic kids and grandma to five amazing grandchildren.

I have always wanted a portrait taken of me when someone has done my make up, my hair and dressed in beautiful clothes.  When I saw the 50 over 50 project I was so excited  at the chance to be spoiled. 

It was so worth it.  

I would wake up everyday in fevered passion of living g life and saying yes (within reason) to every opportunity that comes my way.

Celebrate being alive and having Fun!!!


In 2007 at the age of 45, I left my marriage with 3 children ages 14, 12, and 4. The circumstances were complicated. At the time we lived in Florida, my work visa had run out, our family business was defunct, and we were in mountains of debt. With help from friends’ flights were booked to return to Canada. Goodbye palm trees, warm breezes and the sweet smell of orange blossoms, hello snow covered mountains! Vancouver in November 2008 was grey, I felt like the lights had been turned out on my life in so many ways. It snowed and I recall joking that we collectively had more bathing suits then socks, but really, I was just worried on how I was going to properly clothe my kids. We rented a 1 bedroom with a den and I started to set down roots like anyone new to a country would do. I took a sales job, then another and another. I experienced job turnover which would turn my life upside down and affect the kid’s life as we relocated housing and changed schools again. I would have access to company cars and then I did not. There were times when I relied on employment insurance and other times when I worked 2 jobs and a side hustle to make ends meet.

We persevered. My kids are grown adults, doing well and each forging their way in life. As an empty nester I began the process of defining what I was going to get up to next, after all, I am only 57 and I have still got some living to do.

I saw Anna’s Facebook post of her 50 over 50 project and knew I wanted to be part of it. Anna and her team did not disappoint. My make up and hair was done. Anna fitted me in a beautiful gown that she made herself and I was ready to hit the studio with confidence and a willingness to have some fun.

Lights Camera Action! Thank you Anna for providing such a wonderful experience.


I think we find our strength when we have something or someone worth fighting for. Our passions and dream, children, families, homes, our environment.  Find your passion and decide what’s important and then align your energies behind that.   That’s is powerful.   


I used to judge others when they changed their name or went ‘back’ to their birth name. I questioned

how is it that changing their name would make them feel more aligned with who they are. And I get it now. I look at my life journey and I was referred to Cathy or Kitmun (my Chinese name) when I was little. It wasn’t until my late teens when I met my now sis-in-law and soul sister, that I was then dubbed as Cat. She was the only human that called me that. Then fast forward to near 40, my now husband called me Cat and introduced me to his world as such. Social media I am known as Cat.

This short story about my name just to me as I started to write this. It spoke to me because I am someone that is always ending my way. Not in a lost kind of way. In a celebration of ‘this is me’ kind of way. I love my impact to those around me and have learned to move from thinking or belief that everyone deserved more. My current self, will hold the line, hold context, keep others accountable while keeping myself accountable, while still holding space, and most importantly put myself first. That sounds like a lot doesn’t it? It can be, and it takes practice.

Everyone is a dreamer. I am a dreamer. When I attract an opportunity like this one with Anna, I lit up on the inside. I have dreamed of being a model of sorts. Having lived the dream of being +t and competing a few years back, another other dream is to be a face or skin model. What can I say, thanks to my parents, I am blessed with amazing anti-aging genes!

And now for that million-dollar question, if money and time were not a factor, what would I wake to every day? This question reminds me of Miss Congeniality where all the contestants’ answer is “world peace”. Giggles aside (because it’s SUCH a great movie!), it’s true, world peace would be top priority, especially in today’s climate. And then, I close my eyes and visualize that I am healthy, vibrant, strong, waking up with the love of my life and our dog, in our ocean-facing home, our boat moored to our own dock, and surrounded by nature and the love of our family and closest friends.


I am 56 years old and love being in my 50s. There is something so freeing about owning my skin and loving the person within it! Over the course of my life I have been a student, a lawyer, a mediator, an administrator, a wife, a mom (which encompasses more jobs than I have space available to list), a volunteer, and now a pilates instructor.

Why participate in Anna’s project? It is an opportunity to capture who we are in this moment and to recognize that our wisdom, experiences, spirit, and sense of self make us gorgeous!  Smooth, saggy, tight, wrinkled: it all has a place in the story of our lives and it is that story that creates beauty.

My next chapter is being an empty nester and I plan on using this time to explore, nourish and develop my creative self.


I highly recommend participating in the 50 over 50.

When I first heard about the project, I was intrigued. As older women our life changes, and we change. Mentally, physically and spiritually. It is a time of letting go and deciding what the next chapter looks like; re-inventing ourselves, accepting and celebrating who we are.

Anna Soriano gives you a fun and safe space to celebrate you with this wonderful 50 over 50 photoshoot. Her expertise let’s you shine.

The value is the experience, a chance to play, have your make up and hair done and to dress up in some great outfits.

You deserve this treat and the gift of how you can shine.

The Power of a Woman

Life puts you in circumstances that can either make you or break you and knowing that you have the power to make choices is what results in life happening for you. Some can look at curveballs as a reason for their failure, some choose to look at is an opportunity to discover a strength waiting to be unraveled. This human harnesses the gift of compassion and generosity to push through obstacles and for that walks modeling fortitude, resilience, courage and strength. She is a mother, a wife, a leader and a friend and those who are fortunate to be in her life gets a dose of a better side of humanity. Her name is Natalie.

*************************************************************************** I was reminded today to Believe in the power of my story, to celebrate both what I have and what I don’t have. To be proud of my journey and to be grateful for the community of family and friends that surround me.

There is no magic to achievement. It’s really about Hardwork choices and persistence. Success is not about how much money you make- it’s about the difference you make in other peoples lives. Want to Save the world? That’s starts within you and with your family.

Find people who make you better and choose people who lift you up. Confidence is a muscle - you have to work on it to build it. Failure is an important part of your growth and developing resilience - don’t be afraid to fail.

Sometimes it takes a mentor to see what’s in you before you see it in yourself - so work hard to be as good as the best player you know and then take the worse player you know and help them be better.

Be Focused
Be Determined
Be Hopeful
Be Empowered
Stay Engaged
Stay Educated
Stay Involved

Stay true to yourself and never let what anyone says distract you from your goals.

AN excerpt from Michelle Obama’s Vancouver talk 2018

Thank you Mrs Obama for sharing your story, for opening up your life experiences and for being such an extraordinary Woman and for all the inspiration that you instilled in all the women and men that came to see you speak today and everyday!


We make a lot of virtual acquaintances through Facebook and all other social media platforms but we never really make real friends unless you boldly reach and say, “hey there I know your story but I want to get to know you better.” Well Kevin Reid can look so intimidating. A 6’3 bodybuilder, with ruggedly handsome good looks and a physique that seems to have been born out of greek or viking genetics, he was massive. While I as a photographer with experience on my back can appreciate photogenically advantaged subjects, there was more to this giant than meets the eye. As I open my FB page, it was heart warming to be welcomed by so much positivity on his posts that oddly showed up on my feeds. This man who builds his muscle mass by natural means, a certified personal fitness trainer for more than 30 years, and a mindful avid nutritionist has actually gone through many physical derailments that resulted in spinal surgery and awaiting knee replacement from a no fault car accident in 2016. Anyone who would’ve gone through what he went through would have given up but he forged on. Now that makes the mind and built of a superhero. Hero moment #1.

Then on his feeds is the images that he posts of him and his son Tyler. Born with mild intellectual disability and was bullied for most of his growing years. He retreated into his own quiet space and found safety in the love and support of his Dad and siblings. When Tyler was in elementary school, his younger brother Nicholas , pained by mean spirited children in their school who relentlessly taunted Tyler, wrote a letter for a school project about bullying. He read this in his class and his teacher was so moved that he was asked to read it in Tyler’s class. This brought the children to tears, including the bullies. This was a game changer for Tyler who started to come out of his shell.

This prompted the beginnings of a business that Tyler put up on his own at 17, Tyler’s Firewood Company. With the help of his Dad, Kevin, the business has grown providing warmth to many families in the local and surrounding areas of their community and giving back beyond the service. Together, they haul and split wood, bundle them and deliver them working side by side, father and son. Hero moment #2.

Then there is this big guy’s devotion to his very youthful and energetic looking mother who when she comes to visit would be pampered and dined and made to ride for a cruise in his Harley. Momma’s boy he is and honoring the mom who surely raised him well. Hero moment #3.

I am sure there are more and perhaps countless good deeds that I cannot account for but just reading his feeds and watching his video clips, hearing how he motivates his clients validates that within the mass of this body builder is a massive heart of gold. I am privileged to be indulged with a session to showcase these 2 big men all dressed up, beautiful inside and out.

Find him on: FB: Kevin Reid • FB: Physical Dynamics • IG: @kevinreid_physicaldynamics • FB Tyler’s Firewood Company

The Art of Going Gray

I believe that life can be hard but it’s always worth it. That we need to relax and enjoy it, not letting the small things bother you.

I decided in my late 40’s to stop the EXPENSIVE battle that I could not win anymore. After 30 years of colouring my hair, I had, had enough.

After the four year process of letting go of my identity of someone with dark hair, I had decided it was time to fully embrace my natural grey hair.

I was invited to have my photo’s taken by Anna. I was nervous about having my photo’s taken as a women in my 50’s and with grey hair.

I decided to trust Anna and her process. I wanted to capture and embrace myself at this age. My new self image and hopefully inspire other women my age.

Anna and her daughter Martina who did a fabulous job of my hair and make-up for the day. They were both friendly, kind, professional and made me feel at ease. It was a magical day full of joy and laughter.

I wold recommend this experience to anyone who wants to feel pampered for a day, or who wants to commemorate this time in their life. We as women go through a lot in our lives and it is important to reconnect with and to love ourselves.

Thank you Anna and Martina for capturing this day for me.

Finally free



I kept telling myself I deserved this, the abuse, the cheating, the insults, put downs……the bullying and harassment from my ex-husband and his mistress

I was born into trauma. Raised in an environment of abuse. Physical, psychological and emotional. At 15 I fell in love with a boy who I went on to marry and have 3 beautiful boys. After 23 years of being with this I had realized I didn't like the person I had become. I decided to seek help. During counseling was when I realized how I had been treated was not ok, that I deserved better. During this time, the man who I thought loved me, left me and my the kids. He was having an affair. Instead of hating him and this woman I chose forgiveness. I chose to forgive not only them, I forgave myself. Forgave myself for thinking that I was the one that caused this. I forgave myself for thinking I caused his infidelity and deserved what I got, forgave myself for not believing in me.

I am now moving forward. Raising 3 boys on my own, showing them kindness to others who are trying to be hurtful to others but more importantly to be kind to themselves. Teach them that happiness comes from within.

I am not sure what the future holds, I want to go back to school and go into a career helping others, for now I will continue to grow and learn. I will continue to love myself. I will come first, I will make me first.

During the beginning of my healing I met Anna Soriano. She convinced me that I was worth being photographed. The day of the shoot i showed up nervous and worried i wouldn't look good. Throughout the shoot Anna helped me realized how beautiful I am. She helped me realize I am confident and strong and that its all within me. It was such a fun shoot. After i saw the photos i was in awe, Anna is such a talented photographer however she is an amazing human being. I am so glad that I did the shoot.



The 50 Plus and Fabulous project was put together with the intention of providing a platform for women to see themselves for who they are apart from the many roles and hats that society expects of them as a woman.

I am a mother, a grandmother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife, a business person who juggled life putting everyone first before me and continue to do and be without an ounce of regret, resentment or remorse because I chose the life that I live.

It is my hope that with the transformational experience , you will rediscover your potential, your purpose and your why. We are not flawed but a constant state of being. We are who we are and each moment is an opportunity to be the physical manifestation of the perfect Being we are made in the image and likeness of.

Thank you for the assistance of my make-up artist, Martina Tamesis and my dear friend Susan Armstrong for whom this project wouldn’t have been a breeze if not for their tireless support.

Love and all the miles between

One of the most difficult journeys we take adulting as we embark on our new lives, chasing our dreams, raising our own families, pursuing our passions is moving away from our parents especially when it entails continents. The opportunity to be together comes far and between and those are the moments we cannot let pass without creating memories that will make an indelible mark in our  children's lives. One day they will look at the images and say, I am who I am because of them.


50 plus and Fabulous feat. SUSAN ARMSTRONG

One of my most favourite demographic is the mature generation of women in the so called certain age. They represent that stage of life where they are reclaiming their identity after being lost in translation. Shaping careers, being a wife, a mother, and so many other tasks that we take upon ourselves. Before you know, it, a good 25-30 years have passed and we take a look at ourselves in the mirror and ponder.....where did time go?

Susan is a double heart attack survivor, mother to 2 good looking boys and special needs advocate and backbone to her daughter Janelle. She is also blissfully married to her husband Chris for more than a quarter of a century. Sassy Sue is how everyone calls her because this powerhouse lady is sharp, witty and has the most magnanimous heart for her community.

Honour your existence and reclaim your identity. This is the moment when you are most empowered. Wiser, more experienced and even more beautiful.

Cancer and overcoming

Yuri found out about her cancer on the left breast in 2015. She felt something and decided to have it checked and they found an 8cm growth. It was stage 3.5. Her doctor said it would have been growing in silence for approximately 8 years.

 A wife to a wonderful husband, Carlos and mother to 3 beautiful children, finding out of her illness devastated her family. So much ahead of her at 40 years young. She went through a dark period of uncertainty and sadness as the probability of a shortened life, missing out on her children's milestones and the thought of her husband alone in their older years was looming over her mind. The changes in her body due to surgery and treatment dampened her spirits and that added to losing her sense of being. 

After a double mastectomy and treatment, she is on the road to recovery. Her appreciation for life is manifested in her new found "joie de vive". She says it was her faith in God that gave her the will and grace to embrace what was handed to her and each day, each breath, is God's favour on her life. 


“Sister. She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.” 
― Barbara Alpert

You know when you are in the midst of genuinely sweet and good people...I stood in the presence of kindness and I am infinitely blessed with the privilege of capturing such love.

Jessica and Skye have been step sisters just for 4 years but the bond that they have for each other can easily be mistaken for them being blood sisters. Between them is a ten year gap with Skye being the only child inherited a village in the clan of Jessica. You know what they say, be careful what you wish for, not only did Skye get a big family, it came with a big sister whose heart is gold. 

Just the two of us....Raquel and Montsie Godinez

“Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exist between a mother and a daughter.”

The mother-daughter relationship is one of the strongest and complex bond in the world. It is considered one of the most powerful connections in nature that only mothers and daughters understand and share among themselves.  The most difficult part in a mother-daughter relationship is when they see their child make wrong choices in life. As a daughter you can love your mother or hate her but at the end of the day, she will always be there to comfort you and be your strength in facing all the problems that come your way.


Julia Sinelnik....porcelain beauty

December 03, 2015

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st;
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

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How do I love thee, let me count the ways .

    The graceful and impetuous beauty of Erica Jane and the young restless heart of Joaquin is captured in the series of images resonated by the poem I grew up with that speaks to me of the true and old art of courtship. Penned by Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1845-1846 Sonnets from the Portuguese.


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
    I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
    My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
    For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
    I love thee to the level of every day's
    Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
    I love thee freely, as men might strive for Right;
    I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
    I love thee with the passion put to use
    In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
    I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
    With my lost saints,–I love thee with the breath,
    Smiles, tears, of all my life!–and, if God choose,
    I shall but love thee better after death.